Quality of Life for Special Needs Youth in Jamaica Quality of Life for Special Needs Youth in Jamaica Quality of Life for Special Needs Youth in Jamaica Quality of Life for Special Needs Youth in Jamaica

Smile A While Foundation

Org #102351
Vetted since 2024
year founded
raised on GlobalGiving
days fundraising
projects funded
* Amounts in US Dollars


Our mission is to provide therapy services to neurodiverse children in areas where access to such support is not widely available. Therapeutic intervention for special needs children drastically improves their quality of life, yet many children around the world receive only sporadic support, if any. Consistent access to trained professionals is key, and our programs provide training and additional hands on deck to make this happen. Our vision is that every child with special needs in the Caribbean has a bright future with consistent access to support they need. To do this, we provide therapy services to special needs children in areas where access to such support is not widely available.

Projects (1)

Project Leaders
Joanne Oates
Joanne Oates
Joanne Oates
Joanne Oates
Organization Information
1850 Amsterdam Drive
New York, NY 10031
United States
Organization Information
1850 Amsterdam Drive
New York, NY 10031
United States

Project Reports

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